OLIVEDA for Africa
a project by OLIVE TREE PEOPLE
Why, of all things, wells in Africa and what does this have to do with our mountain olive trees?
The property on which OLIVE TREE PEOPLE founder Thomas Lommel lived during his time in Spain reliably supplied him and his family with water from a 110-meter deep well. One day, there was no more water because a neighbor had dug an even deeper well a few hundred meters away.
This example showed Thomas what is going on in the world: through its massive consumption, the intensive agricultural economy of the so-called industrial nations literally cuts off the water supply from the developing countries.
Even though OLIVE TREE PEOPLE does not operate as an intensive agricultural economy but rather an extensive and sustainable one, Thomas wanted to do something against this exploitation. In August 2013, he started the water project “OLIVEDA for Africa” and began to build one well in Africa for every 100 hectares of mountain olive tree land that OLIVEDA acquired. In the Senegalese villages of Mhaba and Pellew, 80 kilometers from the capital Dakar, Thomas broke the ground for the first two wells, which were to be 35 and 80 meters deep.
Senegal 2013
By now, about 15,000 residents in various villages are supplied with water from the OLIVEDA wells. But it is not just the water that OLIVE TREE PEOPLE brings to people. With the help of various projects and by combining tradition and innovation, we enable young people in Africa as well as in Andalusia to see sense again in staying in their home village or region and working there professionally, making a difference instead of migrating to the cities or other countries, thus deserting more and more villages and communities.

Our actions should contribute to a society that is developing more and more into an “OLIVE TREE SOCIETY” - a society that, like the olive tree, is a symbol for life, love, and peace.